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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Miipan Bakery

Hinatazaka46 Sasaki Mirei no Kaiten! 
Miipan Bakery (Part 3)
This special hour-long feature on Hinatazaka46 member Sasaki Mirei (a.k.a. Miipan) was aired on CS Asahi 1 on 15 March, 2019 following her journey in to the world of Baking as she learns how to bake breads. This particular segment featured below is the last one where she starts making bread and she is joined by fellow Hinatazaka46 members Watanabe Miho, Kanemura Miku and Ushio Sarina who got to taste her bread. 

So a little bit about the ever exciting Miipan. Sasaki Mirei is a member of Hinatazaka46's 1st Generation (formerly Hiragana Keyakizaka46). She is a "non-no" exclusive model. She is one of the good singers in the group. She has a beautiful smile and is very charming. She does get emotional at time and cries. She used to have a part-time job at a bakery and dreams to have her own bakery in the future.

In this feature, she and her fellow members decided to explore the best bakeries in town. Miipan, got to back bread as well. Her quest was to make an original bread. 

First Miipan talks about the whole idea here. Her love for breads, her vision for future including setting up a Shopping Mall where there is a Ramen Shop operated by fellow Hinatazaka46 Member Saito Kyoko and a Scacks shop called Snack Mao (which was featured regularly on Hiragana Oshi) to be operated by Iguchi Mao. And when does she expect to do all this?? At the age of 43 she quips!! A long way ahead, indeed!
Next we land at Bonjour Bon at Kichijoji, popular for it's Melon Bread which is soaked in Maple Syrup. Mr. Taguchi, an avid bread lover himself, will be helping Miipan with making breads here. He used to be an Assistant Director (AD). Once he happened to pass by a bakery which had advertised for an opening for Bread Makers and he was drawn to it instantly. He rushed in and asked the owner to consider him for the job and the rest is history! He says it was like seeking a cure and he was healed by the Bread! (lol)...
Next for some quick bread making 101 or backing basics for Miipan.. Kneading of the dough, Portioning of the dough (size and quantity) is very important. Taguchi also mentions that the dough will continue to ferment all the while. According to him Speed and Patience are equally important. He adds that you have to care for the dough as much as you care about the bread. Miipan learns quick!!
Next the ingredients to be included in the bread. Miipan wants to make Mochi, Kinako and Anko. So she chooses the ingredients as Gorgonzola, Mochi, Anko, Cheese, Strawberry, Maple, Butter, Custard and Bacon. Taguchi says creative thinking is needed when it comes to working in a bakery.
Next, how to incorporate the ingredients into the dough. Taguchi mentions at this stage the dough is still soft, so the ingredients need to be neatly wrapped. Miipan does it excellently. Staff quickly pop a question to Taguchi. They ask if Miipan has a talent/knack for making breads. There is a brief pause. Taguchi does not comment. Miipan is taken aback and asks why he is silent. She wanted to hear a "Yes" from him, he's so strict!! Next, Miipan tries making bread with Gorgonzola Cheese from a special bagel shop. She adds the cheese, sausage wrapped in Bacon with Sweet Caramel. Yes, Miipan, upright works!!
Next Miipan, tries more ingredients. This time it is Kimchi, Cheese and Edamame. Next she tries to roll raw Ham with Wasabi and Cheese, wrapped in bread dough. 
Next Miipan lets the wrapped bread ferment. Will her two colored bread be successful? We shall see. Next, Miipan wants to make Chibatta bread, which is laid out like a pizza base with topping on it. Miipan chooses Chocolate, Banana and Mochi as her toppings. She first puts Custard sauce on the dough, then the Banana on top of it. Next she tries Curry on top of Ham, with Onions and Cheese over a Chibatta dough. For the next one she chooses Mitarashi Dango. She puts these three fermented dough into the oven. 
Next fellow Hintazaka46 members Watanabe Miho and Kenemura Miku go to a paper & pen store to get stuff to design a signage for Miipan. 
Miipan, finally get the breads out of the oven. Miipan Bakery is open for business and her first two customers are Watanabe Miho and Kenemura Miku. They tell Miipan a special guest has also come to checkout her breads. To her surprise its her best mate in Hinatazaka46, Ushio Sarina!!
Now the guest Hinatazaka46 members try out the 3 different types of Chibatta breads prepared by Miipan... They all find it Oishi!!! err... Delicious!
Next they try the 3 remaining breads. Kanemura tries out Walnut Bread with Wasabi, Cheese & Ham. Ushio tries the Korean Flavored Bread. Watanabe Miho tries out the Sweet Bread with Anko, Mochi and Strawberry. All are impressed with the ideas that Miipan cooked up in a short span of time.
Finally, Miipan tries the two colored bread herself. She finds the Caramel Chocolate sweet but the Bacon is a little too much to her liking. The Cheese is Salty and Sweet (Huh?!!). She says the adults may prefer this as it has a mature taste. In the end, for Miipan it was truly satisfying. 
Kanemura and Watanabe Miho present the gifts (the Signage) to Miipan. She finds them cute.
Now all that remains is the price! She ponders for a while and finally fixes it at 318 Yen. She actually wanted to fix it for 3180 Yen but found that to be too expensive so its going to be 318 Yen which quiet easy to remember she says! I didn't really get that but she's the boss!!



Spoiler Alert: Wait there's more to come.. Sasaki Mirei (our Miipan) is part of the cast in the new Japanese Drama series called "Women's Gourmet Burger Club", starting July 10th, 2020 (every Friday at 0:52 pm JST). Love to have that translated soon... Burgers! Bring it on!
Get the lowdown on this right here (Translate in Chrome from Japanese to English)

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